Thursday, December 8, 2011

The Power of Gratitude

Oh.  My.  Goodness.  I'm vibrating again. I think it's a good sign.

Someone suggested gratitude journalling, again, and this time, finally, I've begun. 

Only Day 3, and my life has changed dramatically.  I'm literally operating on a higher wavelength.  I've been able to see that every thing that happens to me leads me a little further down my road.  I must admit to running into road blocks lately, up against the wall, not knowing which step to take next.  Feeling stuck isn't fun.  He hears and answers prayers.  I put Him first... you know... Seek 1st the Kingdom of Heaven, and all else will be added to you.  I feel like the "all else" is being added.  And, not much has changed on the outside.  It's all an inside job.

A lady called into my day job today and as I took her application for a medicare supplement we expressed our amazement at getting older, the frustration, the feeling "What happened to my life?" that I'm beginning to know most people feel as we get to a certain age.  I think I'm a little early.  She was just getting there at 65.  She told me she felt alone and afraid, and her kids blame her for their unhappiness.  I was able to love her and share with her some of the things I'm learning, and not the old way I used to, rushing around with my band aid, my one-answer-fits all, saving the world (even if it does).  The compulsion was gone.  I didn't need to fix her.  I did want very much to ease her pain, to help her feel not so alone anymore.  We exchanged phone numbers and will talk tonite.  I guided her to, told her about the conference calls (tonight at 8:00 p.m. est with Karen) and shared a little about my story.  I was in tears with so much love for this woman that I have never met, and care for so deeply, for her pain, her path. I was able to honestly tell her that she need never feel alone again.

I am, indeed, grateful.  For so much.  So many opportunities to be His Hands, His Heart, to feel His Love and share it with those in need.  Not much needs to change on the outside, when everything has changed in me.

1 comment:

  1. Hi, I came over after seeing your blog on DJ Pettitt's facebook. Nice to meet you, I've been a friend of DJ's for quite a while, she's just awesome. I'm going to look around your blog some more.
