Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Latest Painting

Ok.  So, if I can't take an immediate workshop with Flora Bowley or Tracy Verdugo, I'm gonna fake it.  I am a trained intuitive massage therapist, so I applied what I've learned over the years to painting.  It isn't really that different.  My hands are sensitive to changes in warmth and texture within the human body which signals tension or pain.  I think that's why this type of painting is so appealing to me.  I like the flowing movements that leave trails of color on the canvas the way my  hands have left trails of relief on the canvas of the body.  I have always felt like the Creator flowed through me as I massage, pouring out His Healing Power through me, I just had to remove my self or my ego and allow The Flow.  So, the other night, I tried that with painting.  I liked the results.  I don't feel like I'm anywhere near finished, and there is an art show in town this weekend where I really wanted to display some paintings... it may happen, it may not, but I'm painting now, and that's everything.  If I can figure out how, again, I'll post a pic of the painting in process here.  Please feel free to leave comments, and I welcome constructive criticism, hm... you know, I really don't.  I think I'd only like to hear praise, lol!  (Grin).


  1. Myra, I think that this is wonderful work and I have a feeling that this style of work is naturally suited to you. Let it flow more!

  2. Beautiful painting Myra....even if you don't think it's finished. Way to follow what you know to be true.

  3. Thank you Angie! You beat me to the shout out!

  4. Nice painting Myra, very organic and I like the depth to it. Great colors.

  5. Your painting looks like I could step through to another world inside each of your swirling shapes. I really like the swirling patterns, and shapes, and colors.

  6. I have loved reading your blog. It is very heART felt and sincere! I think your painting is beautiful and i love how you liken it to massage therapy. Really a neat analogy! Going to look around some more! Axokp

  7. What a lovely heart-true painting. Keep painting and show them to us here! Your heart shows through so beautifully!

  8. Hello Myra! I just now read that message you wrote on my blog like months ago I think! Glad so glad to meet you.I didn't feel very loved by my peers at the time I went to college that's true and it was horrible but my mom and siblings have great love forme as do extended family member and now my own family(most days), although my 3 children are male and 2 are teens so well you can imagine their attitudes are not always unconditional, but I believe their hearts are.
    I see Flora Bowley in your painting and I love it. I am taking her online class in Feb. So very excited I have all my canvases ready and paints etc waiting to begin this new journey!!!!!
    I love the angel on the top of your blog, me and angels go way back!
    Wowso you are actually on tv's biggest loosers? That's awesome. I had a gastric bypass four years ago so I wish you all the best. Hopefully I get to see you more often but less of ya! LOL Good luck!! Sanna
